Magento: Admin Controller Override

Consideration: MyNameSpace = PG and MyModule = Deletecc
Note:1:We are taking example of OrderController.php of \app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\controllers    \Sales.
         2:This Module is applicable for Magento-1.4.0.x

Create Your own module and files as follows:

Now Edit config.xml :
Go to Magento/app/code/local/PG/Deletecc/etc/config.xml and paste the following xml code into it

Edit /controllers/Sales/OrderController.php:
Paste the following php code into Magento/app/code/local/PG/Deletecc/controllers/Sales/OrderController.php (the only change we’re doing to the indexAction() is adding an error_log() message):

Edit Magento/app/etc/modules/PG_Deletecc.xml
Add the below code to  enable the your module.

That's It..

Magento: Admin Controller Override Magento: Admin Controller Override Reviewed by Web Technology Funda on 5:51:00 AM Rating: 5

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