Magento: Names of the associated products of a configurable product are not visible in admin
The Simple Configurable Products module. In the file
the developers of Organic Internet left a nice little hint;
I figured the code that was used in 1.3.1 was outdated so this file would be outdated if you're using >1.3.1. So I just looked at the contents of the core file app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Grid.php and looked for differences, and found the culprit.
All you have to do is add this line;
Note: This article is originally taken from site "".
Thanks to "peterjaap".
#Copied from Magento v1.3.1 code. #Only need to comment out addFilterByRequiredOptions but there's no #nice way of doing that without cutting and pasting the method into my own #derived class. Boo. #This change stops the filtering-out of any configurable product's 'associated products' that have compulsory custom options #Have also replaced parent::_prepareCollection with Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid::_prepareCollection();
I figured the code that was used in 1.3.1 was outdated so this file would be outdated if you're using >1.3.1. So I just looked at the contents of the core file app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Edit/Tab/Super/Config/Grid.php and looked for differences, and found the culprit.
All you have to do is add this line;
->joinAttribute('name', 'catalog_product/name', 'entity_id', null, 'inner')
between these two lines;->addFieldToFilter('attribute_set_id',$product->getAttributeSetId())
->addFieldToFilter('type_id', $allowProductTypes);
And you're all set!Note: This article is originally taken from site "".
Thanks to "peterjaap".
Magento: Names of the associated products of a configurable product are not visible in admin
Reviewed by Web Technology Funda
11:40:00 PM
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