Magento: Save data in database model without an auto_increment primary key

By default, Magento expects the primary key with auto_increment field. But sometimes we don't need of auto increment for our primary key as per client requirement.

Save model data without auto-increment as follows:

class MyNamespace_MyCustomModule_Model_Resource_MyCustomModuleModel
    extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract {
  public function _construct() {
    // Table resource, primary key
    $this->_init('mycustommodule/mycustommodulemodel', 'mycustommodule_id');
    // The primary key is not an auto_increment field
    $this->_isPkAutoIncrement = false;

Here we just set the '_isPkAutoIncrement ' variable as 'false'.

Clear the cache before execute the file.

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Magento: Save data in database model without an auto_increment primary key Magento: Save data in database model without an auto_increment primary key Reviewed by Web Technology Funda on 2:13:00 AM Rating: 5

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