Create Zend framework Application using wamp server

step 1 : Create virtual domain .
open C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\host file
add this line at the end .
myalbum is ur domain name u can change it.

2 : now open E:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\conf\httpd-vhosts.conf
add line as below

# ur domain

DocumentRoot C:/Sites/zf_tutorial

note: DocumentRoot is ur application root

3 : create app directory structure as i created

-create All controller file here e.g IndexController.php
-create all forms file here e.g LoginForm.php
-create all models here e.g User.php (for db handling)
-create script file e,g index.phtml
-create filters here if need
-create helpers file here if need
-create data php file e.g contact.php if need
-create data xml file e.g contact.xml if need
-create data txt file e.g contact.txt if need
-copy from ZF\Zend\library\Zend folder here which contains all api and classes(download it from google)
-here u can put ur custom clas e.g class My_Validate_PasswordConfirmation

4 : write logic inside ur application and run url as we created on browser

note:yes there are some php and apche setting of wamp server we has to do here: you can refer the

Zend Installation setting with Snap Shots Article

added above...
Create Zend framework Application using wamp server Create Zend framework Application using wamp server Reviewed by Web Technology Funda on 12:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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